Artistic Pizza For You!

If you want a pizza, take time to watch our video! You will be delighted by the recipes we made to fill your hungry stomach. Home-made pizzas made by Xander, Penny, Allen, Jeero and Jhonas. Originally made for our Art Appreciation subject by Prof Geths Hilario. Each one of us Read more…

Class Schedule

This was my class schedule. I put this at the back of my school ID because I hardly remember the place and time of our class! I also put some positive words that I need throughout the day so that I will be highly motivated to do my best. Also, Read more…

Favorite Fast Food Chain: Jollibee

This is the XanMigBil (Xander Lopez, Miguel Angelo Sumaya, Billie Joe Posadas) & JamPiaSot (Jamaica Gacuan, Marie Jhoy Terrado, Elyssa Dienice Lansang) cronies. I edited this photo about a year ago. We were first year college here. We like to hang-out and eat on our favorite fast food chain which Read more…