Year in Review: Blessings I Am Grateful For in 2019
I moved in Australia last year and I think I went back to zero. I have to adjust with my environment and the way of life. It has been very challenging but I kept on moving forward with the help of my family and friends. As compared with last year, my life has improved a lot. I got more blessings and I’m grateful for all of them.

I’m grateful that I was able to afford a car this year considering that I have a tight budget. With the help of my family, I bought a Ford Focus 2003 which has still a low mileage when we got it. It’s second hand but it does the job pretty well and I’m happy with it. With this, I can now travel around whenever and wherever I wanted to. This has been an incredible experience and I’m really grateful for it.
Pinoy Adventurers of Australia
I’m grateful to be part of this awesome group. From our trips around Victoria (Macedon, Wilson’s Promontory), parties, and hang outs, the experience has always been fun. I was able to meet new people and make friends. I have a great time travelling and bonding with them and I’m grateful for it.
Deakin Christian Union
I’m grateful to have found this group. After a year of being alone in the uni, seeking how could I meet people and make friends, suddenly I got lured by a hot chocolate drink which got me talking who my God is. After that, I joined several meetups from them and learned a lot. My relationship with God has become alive once again and at the same time I also gained friends. God is the answer and I’m grateful for it!
Part time work & Money
I’m grateful for my part time work which enabled me to buy the things I need and want. Moreover, I was also able to reflect how fortunate I am because it’s just a kind of work I need to do to survive at the moment; it’s just temporary. The struggles I had made me appreciate the work I’m doing and will do in the future and I’m grateful for them.
I’m grateful for my family who are always there to take care of me, help me, and love me unconditionally. They inspire me to be the best version of my self. I’m so fortunate to have them in my life and I’m grateful for them.
I’m grateful to have made friends this year. Last year it was really boring. Now it’s different. I’m also proud of myself for sometimes taking up the courage to initiate the conversations. It’s quite challenging for an introvert like me to be an extrovert as it takes a lot of my energy but yeah, it has been worth it so far.
Also, to that very first person from uni who I became friends with (on Facebook and perhaps on some occasions), I would like to thank you. Even though we don’t hang out because we have different interests, I still thank you because those times (first semester) were hard for me and you brought hope (even though you don’t know it). I don’t know if you’ll ever gonna read this but hey, we should hang out sometime soon, ok? Whenever and wherever you like. Just hit me up on IG.
Alright, these people who became my friends brought colour to my life and I’m grateful for all of them.
Travel with Family and Friends
I’m grateful for all of the amazing time spent travelling around Australia this year with my family and friends. The people I was with made the trips fun and amazing. They surely brought good memories which I treasure and I’m grateful for them.
Self Awareness
I’m grateful for myself for taking the time to reflect who I am and who I want to become. With these, I am able to deconstruct why I do things when I do them. Moreover, I am able to change or improve how to do things in the future so that I can be a better person. I’ve become more mature in listening to myself and I’m grateful for it.

I’m grateful for all of the things I’ve learned in the university this year. These will enable me to be more knowledgable in my field. Moreover, the tight schedule made me more organised in life; forced me to use my calendar app to plan my days and weeks; and made me think about which tasks to prioritise. I’ve learned hard skills and soft skills and I’m grateful for them.
I’m grateful for myself for forcing me to read books. Likewise, I’m grateful for those authors who wrote the amazing books I’ve read this year. These books let me have a wild imagination, be transported in another world, live another life, learn more English words, and improve my reading skills. There can never be wrong in being a bookworm and I’m grateful for it.

Pass Driving Test
I’m grateful for my self, my family, my friends, and my instructors who helped me pass my actual driving test this year. I got my probationary Victorian driving license which made it official and legal for me to drive around Australia. It helped me to go to places and do amazing things and I’m grateful for it.
I’m grateful to have the money to buy gadgets and subscribe to services which I could practically use everyday. They made my life easier to deal with and I’m grateful for them.
Note 1: I would have loved to add more pictures but I only got limited time 😛 I’ve just written most of this blog post today! Promise to self that I’ll give more preparation to it next year!
Note 2: If ever I made grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, or anything, please feel free to tell me so that I can correct them. I would really appreciate your help. Ta!
I am grateful for all of the blessings I received this year. I am excited to see what 2020 has in store to me. Fighting!